If you know anyone diagnosed with cancer, have a dog or cat, and/or struggle with anxiety or depression (uh, I think that covers everyone, right?), you can’t afford to be afraid of cannabis anymore. While there are so many more conditions and diseases cannabis can treat. It’s also not to say that the medical or mental health condition, disorder, or disease you struggle with can’t also be treated by cannabis.
Currently, there are over 100 tests being done on cannabidiol/CBD which is just one of the compounds in the cannabis sativa plant. But some can’t wait for testing to be complete. I urge you to reconsider your preconceived thoughts and ideas about medical cannabis. In order to help you, it’s time to set the record straight! Here’s a list of cannabis myths and the information that negates them!
Myths About Cannabis:
All cannabis products produce a high or psychoactive effect, Not true at all. There are two main compounds in cannabis- THC and CBD. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effect of connecting with the CB1 receptors in the brain. CBD doesn’t act on the same receptors and therefore does not produce a high effect. CBD can also be used to mute the psychoactive effects of THC.
Marijuana is the preferred term for the drug
Nope. Nope. Nope. There are all kinds of synonyms for what some have called “marijuana” like weed, ganja, 420, pot, and many, many more. If you read through some history about the plant, you’ll find that the term marijuana holds a whole racist history. Originally spelled “marihuana,” recreational use was originally associated with “those crazy Mexicans.”
The rough Spanish translation is Mary’s stuff- noting a certain Catholic-friendly term. It was brought to the west coast by Punjabi immigrants. Eventually, it was considered the “opium of the ghetto” as young African-Americans were accused of using it and becoming violent. While many terms have been used interchangeably, the medical term is cannabis and the preferred choice of this writer. (SOURCE)
Cannabis kills brain cells
This idea has been around for a while but it’s been tested and proven to be wrong. Both the University of Louisville and the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society published research refuting this myth. In fact, the compounds in cannabis are now thought to help the growth of new brain cells.
Cannabis is addictive
This is still being widely debated and disagreed upon. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) reported that cannabis use is not harmless and nearly six million people experience marijuana use disorder. So just like some people may be addicted to sugar or chocolate others develop the same kind of relationship with cannabis. It can be a hard habit to break. That’s different than addiction or dependence. Ultimately you want to be a conscious consumer using ethically grown cannabis for meaningful use.
The Declaration of Independence was written on cannabis hemp paper
While every activist wishes this was really true, it’s the only kind half true. The Declaration of Independence was DRAFTED on hemp. The final copy housed in the National Archives with written on animal skin as it was thought to last longer. It is, however, worth noting our forefathers used hemp for many, many things- the sails of their boats, paper, ropes, etc…

Smoking cannabis is worse for your lung than cigarettes
Scientists at the University of California San Francisco are going to shock you because this is surprisingly just not true. They created a large-scale study comparing cannabis and nicotine use in medical cannabis treatment. They concluded, “the more you use, the more loss you have.” Essentially because more nicotine tends to be used more frequently, there’s a great risk involved in using nicotine.
Cannabis does not have any medicinal qualities
There is more and more evidence of the medical use of cannabis being brought to light every day. There are currently hundreds of studies worldwide about how cannabis can treat many different physical and mental health ailments including cancer, lupus, autism, PTSD, and more.
Eating and smoking get the same results
There are many different ways to use cannabis these days. Smoking and eating edibles aren’t the only options. To discover other applications, take a looking at my blog post Don’t Want to Smoke Cannabis? Other Ways to Benefit from Marijuana.
Eating raw cannabis can get you high
You’ve probably seen cannabis oil, butter, and/or brownies around, and debates about smoking versus vaping. The reason for that is cannabis needs to be heated and combined with a fatty substance to be effective. Therefore you can’t just chew on a leaf or nug.
Drinking bong water will get you high
I have to admit I know the answer to this one from personal experience. When playing truth or dare in your college dorm room, never accept this as a dare. Stick with the truth or you’ll get sick but you definitely won’t get high.
Most people who smoke pot are “potheads”
So let me just start by saying that calling everyone who uses cannabis a “pothead,” is a bizarre stereotype. If that were true, then 30 million people who reportedly used cannabis in the past year in the United States would be “potheads.” Please note only 6 million of the 30 million reported daily or almost daily use. So no.
You can fatally overdose on cannabis
Nope. There are no reports of any cannabis overdoses. None. Overuse can certainly send you to the hospital though when you think you are dying from using too much. Some people have reported hallucinations and delusions when they’ve used too much but no one has ever overdosed on cannabis. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) also confirms there has never been a single documented case of death due to overdosing on cannabis in the United States.
Cannabis is a gateway drug
And again- not true. The majority of people who use cannabis don’t go on to use harder drugs. Other factors like biological mechanisms, the personal risk for addiction, and social environment are more determinate than cannabis. A recent study conducted by the Institute of Medicine found no conclusive evidence linking cannabis to the use of other drugs.
Cannabis leads to violent crimes and turns you into a criminal
A recent study proved that cannabis “is not predictive of higher crime rates” and might even decrease the rates of assault and homicide.
Cannabis can make you sterile
Hey, you don’t be silly put a rubber on your willy. Cannabis won’t make you sterile though if used too frequently it can cause abnormal sperm. This effect is only short-term. So you still need condoms.
Cannabis can turn straight people gay
Sexuality cannot be determined by any kind of substance use. Substances like cannabis and alcohol have been credited with lowering inhibitions, and therefore one more easily pursues their desires. Cannabis isn’t the problem or your high sexual.
Cannabis users are lazy and unsuccessful
If this is true then I don’t understand how the cannabis industry has already become a $10 billion industry. All the people who make cannabis must not be using it, right? I think not.
Legalizing cannabis is bad for the country
Yes if you look back at the last myth, you’ll see a billion. Not million. Billion. With that comes tax dollars, jobs, public programs, etc… Not sure how that’s bad.
Well, that’s all folks! If there are other myths you still would like to know the truth about, please be sure to add them in the comments and we’ll take a look!
More to read:
11 Misconceptions About CBD